My Writing 


Social reality is the product of human action.
It is the task of humanity to change it.

What is more comfortable: to know and not act, or to act as if you don't know?

Klarity acknowledges the systemic injustices perpetrated by capitalistic society. We seek to overcome the rigid conformity embedded in our culture that denies and distracts people from the opportunity to participate in systemic change. If this resonates with you, we invite you to participate in the mutual process of liberation.

What is more comforting: to deny objective reality, or have hope in your power to transform it?

We all can, we simply do not know how(which is the fault of our education system, not you, by the way).
If it is more comforting to deny, that is a fair conclusion.

Change is ever-present.

Look at how America has changed in the last half-century

Praxis: a theory of transformation

Reflection and action upon the world in order to transform it


To perceive critically the objective reality people find themselves in. It is essential as the sacrifice of reflection=activism


Through critical perception, the form of action one chooses to adopt surfaces. It is essential as sacrifice of action=verbalism


Problem-posing education, based in creativity and human experience,  stimulates true reflection and action upon reality. To see the world not as fated and unalterable, but merely limiting--and therefore a challenge.
word=work=praxis⇒ transformation

"To the oppressed, and to those who suffer with them and fight at their side" -Paolo Freire